^^ix AI Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning.

  1. Artificial intelligence.
  2. Artificial intelligence timeline.
  3. AI take-off: 2023, e' diventata un prodotto commerciale in massa critica.
  4. AlphaGo. | AlphaCode. | AlphaFold. Proteins folding.
  5. AI tutor.
  6. AI social.
  7. NLP Natural Language Processing.
    1. NLG natural language generation, text generation.
  8. BIG-bench Beyond the Imitation Game.
  9. GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformer.
  10. Knowledge representation. Ontologia. Semantic web.
    1. RDF Resource Description Framework. RDFS = RDF Schema.
  11. Wikify. Wikification. Wikifier.
  12. Machine learning; apprendimento automatico.
  13. Recupero e precisione. Recall and precision.
  14. Computer vision.
  15. Analog computer, calcolatore analogico.

Timeline of

  1. Artificial intelligence.
  2. Computer science timeline.
  3. Robots.
  4. inet/Parsing