^^Analog computer, calcolatore analogico.


I calcoli dell'AI fatti in analogico

yt Future Computers Will Be Radically Different.  (22 minuti)

Il titolo e' sbilanciato rispetto al contenuto, che illustra concisamente

  1. i'idea base di somma e moltiplicazione fatte in ambiente analogico
  2. come farlo su silicio con la tecnologia esistente
  3. come poi questo e' usato per fare una moltiplicazione di una matrice per una colonna
  4. realizzazione concreta, che mostra il risparmio rispetto al digitale.



Max Khovanski
3Blue1Brown has the cleanest explanations, imo, although, admittedly, these explanations are a lot longer.


Dennis Grießner
@Max Khovanski 3Blue1Brown is better if you have some semblance of knowledge. it's a little more in depth mostly, but requires more knowledge. the video on fourier transformation is second to none tho, i regularly use it to teach students.

Max Khovanski
@Dennis Grießner What knowledge does it require? Perhaps you meant mathematical familiarity? In that case, I would agree. But if you meant knowledge, I will tell you that, before watching his Neural Network series, I didn't know anything about neural networks, and after watching it, I can confidently say that I can code a simple neural network myself. So, it doesn't seem like knowledge is necessary to derive value from his videos.