
  1. Persone
  2. Film
  3. Musica
  4. Luoghi
  5. Informatica.

http://urlm.it/www.robertoocca.net statistica sul mio sito



The Golden Ratio (why it is so irrational) - Numberphile

The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats


9-11-2023 https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikinen_sengu | wp/Paradosso_della_nave_di_Teseo

19-10-2021 yt/Christoph Waltz On The Difference Between Germans & Austrians

20-10-2020 raiplay/2020/06/Passato-e-Presente---La-guerra-di-Crimea | wp/Battaglia_di_Balaklava La sottile linea rossa. | arsbellica/Carica_Balaklava

wp/La_sottile_linea_rossa_(film_1998) | wp/Battle_of_Balaclava (it en nome diverso k-c) | wp/Racconti_di_Sebastopoli di Lev Tolstoj | Piemonte  piè monte.

17-10-2020 farmaciainlinea.it/Microflorana | wp/Mazzarino,_Sicily | wp/Mazzarino_Friars

16-10-2020 groups.io/  email group

                   indivisible.org  organizzazione socio-politica dal basso

                   slack.com teamwork

                   pupunzi.open-lab.com jquery components

12-10-2020 la.wikipedia.org/Vicipaedia:Pagina_prima Bene advenisti in Vicipaediam

8-10-2020 yt/The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats

8-10-2020 wp/Elliott_Erwitt fotografo

9-9-2020 codeforamerica.org | most recommended books.com

6-9-2020 yt/Top 10 Most Realistic War Movies According to Military Veterans

3-9-2020 wp/Sunflower_(mathematics)

19-8-2020 wp/David_Bailey fotografo Vogue. 2a moglie Catherine Devenue.

19-8-2020 wp/Cathy_Berberian mezzo soprano. "C'è musica e musica" di wp/Luciano_Berio   Box set of 2 DVD's (Feltrinelli, originally broadcast on RAI 1972 and released on DVD in 2013). Part 5 of this twelve-part series is titled "Mille e una voce", is completely dedicated to Berberian.


17-8-2020 Bosco_sacro | Parco_dei_Mostri


19-2-2020 wp/Tahir_Salahov | prabook.com/tahir.salahov

  1. wikiart.org/tahir-salahov/repairmen-1960
  2. best to see >>>
  3. slideshare.net/michaelasanda/tahir-salahov2  slide13
  4. russiaintranslation.com/2016/01/31/il-primo-tra-i-severi/
  5. https://ma-planete.com/pps/websiteview/catid_26/id_449492/title_Tahir-Salahov-Azerbaijan-1928-2/


15-2-2020 wp/Heist_film

oldies but goldies



wp/Josef_Herman | wp/three-miners





Ho visto

raiplay/Philip-K-Dick.html biopic.

Alcuni adattamenti cinematografici




4-1-2020 wp/La_vita,_amico,_è_l'arte_dell'incontro


did-2019 Casetta di Tiara  >>> ,   Ristorante_Livi_Sonia



7-12-2019 In Japan, if you don't ask the right question, you won't get the right answer. So it's not the japanese fault, it was our fault for not asking the right question; the right question being ...


5-12-2019 Woman with a Parasol - Claude Monet

26-9-2019 Fucino


19-7-2019 Conscription_in_the_United_States commonly known as the draft. The draft came to an end when the United States Armed Forces moved to an all-volunteer military force. However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; all male-at-birth citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.[2] United States Federal Law also provides for the compulsory conscription of men between the ages of 17 and 45 and certain women for militia service.

Sono arrivato qui poiche' non conoscevo il termine "draft", incontrato in una autobiografia Rgdboer.







  1. the-wonderful-world-of-early-computing/
    1. computer memories history
    2. Institute_For_Figuring
      1. crochet.html
      2. Daina_Taimina
      3. video Crocheting hyperbolic planes | Daina Taimina | TEDxRiga
      4. William_Thurston
        1. Congettura_di_geometrizzazione_di_Thurston (1982 proposed)
          fatta sulla base dei suoi studi, tra cui Thurston's geometrization theorem or hyperbolization theorem
          Thurston never published a complete proof of his theorem for reasons that he explained (Thurston 1994. The language is not alive except to those who use it.).
        2. Grigori Perelman sketched a proof of the full geometrization conjecture in 2003. Thurston died 2012, cosi' vide la dimostrazione della sua congettura e disse alle perelman-laudations  "It is a very special pleasure for me to have this occasion to publicly express my deep admiration and appreciation for Grigori Perelman"  !!!
      5. Superficie_di_Riemann


video psycology  imparare



  1. Keller's_conjecture
  2. Pythagorean_tiling | Pythagoras.html
  3. Euclidean_tilings_by_convex_regular_polygons
  4. en Tessellation | it Tassellatura | es Teselado | fr Pavage | de Parkettierung
  5. Ambigram




Gli acquarelli di Albrecht Durer, esposti ogni 20 anni a Vienna.

Via della Plata in Spagna


A function is partially correct if it never returns a wrong answer, though it might not return at all.




film: Macchine mortali | >>> | >>> | tanto-rispetto-per-il-pubblico-troppa-deferenza-al-botteghino-cinese



L'astronomia ha una storia lunga

non e' stato facile addivenire ai modelli attuali




si tratta di cose che sai, ma e' un po' divertente.

Dalla presentazione:

Chi è il vero maestro? Un dispensatore del sapere o colui in grado di imparare dai suoi allievi? Il pedagogista Daniele Novara, ospite della puntata di Quante Storie, dialoga con Corrado Augias sui principi che regolano il rapporto tra docente e allievo e s'interroga sul modo migliore di rinnovare la didattica del nostro sistema scolastico.




ted  tedx

Youtubers: acchiappamente  emanuelerapisarda

Mario Morcellini  sociologo

Scuola digitale : didattica e amministrazione

  1. lifelong learning
  2. damien lanfrey
  3. animatore digitale: realizzare le 35 azioni


libro: philip dik  kubic


Kepler's second law


non si puo' svelare la verita', ma le falsita'


wp/Self-organized_criticality  3set2018


wp/Ontology_(information_science)  argomentazione

wp/Strattone e Strappo. Mi viene da ridere, semplice e sensato: se do' uno strattone, si strappa ! L'articolo tosto e' Jerk.

wp/Gallery_of_curves |





(1985 TV Movie)



wp/Tatiana_Troyanos | https://youtu.be/-rkHBjjQUS0


casta diva - Marua Callas



il mio primo uso:

  1. http://live.babelnet.org/search?word=movimento&lang=IT&langTrans=EN
  2. un primo synset sul moto, scelto tra i proposti: il moto in fisica >>>
  3. mi incuriosisce wp/File:Simple_harmonic_oscillator.gif
  4. un altro synset sul moto: >>>


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Translating English Sentences into Propositional Logic Statements



Quick Introduction to Term Rewriting


Un argomento che mi piacerebbe studiare un po' e' "la logica dei predicati (matematica)", e quindi durante le vacanze guardicchio (ma non studio); sono cosi' arrivato a


<- http://comma2018.argdiap.pl/

<- http://comma2018.argdiap.pl/wp-content/uploads/30_Visser.pdf




<- Haystack_(MIT_project)

<- Resource_Description_Framework

<- Argument_map | Argomentazione 

<- http://thelogiccafe.net/

<- teller_logic_primer



Encyclopédie- Diderot's Tree of Knowledge.jpg


30-07-2018 Michael_Atiyah | interview-with-sir-michael-atiyah/


Feynman's Lost Lecture


Sholay film (citato ne "the story of film. An odissey")

The_Message_(1976_film) Maometto messaggero di Dio


Restrepo_(film) film di guerra realistici Top 10 Most Realistic War Movies According to Military Veterans


  1. 29-6-2018 Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7446884/want-to-learn-common-lisp
  3. https://web.cs.ship.edu/~tbriggs/cheatsheet/index.html





24-6-2018 perdutoAmor

24-6-2018 Remo_Bodei | retrotopia

Bessie_Smith | Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out, 1929 | wp

Deep Video Portraits

Exoplanet Travel Bureau.

15-5-2018 youtu.be/robots

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_chamber_(media) By visiting an echo chamber, people are able to seek out information which reinforces their existing views



Vergogna_(romanzo) | Disgrace | Disgrace_film

Espiazione_(romanzo) | Atonement_novel |



  1. mediaworld

  2. fotocamere-compatte?orderBy=4
  3. panasonic-dmc-tz100egk-nero  4K zoom10x  587euro
  4. panasonic-dmc-lx15-nero
  5. canon-powershot-g9x-mark-ii-silver?  4KNO  zoom3x 450euro
  6. canon-powershot-g9x-mark-ii-
  7. http://betterphotography.in/reviews/canon-powershot-g9x-mark-ii-an-enhanced-have-it-all/50752/
  8. https://www.canon.it/cameras/powershot-g9-x-mark-ii/specifications/
  9. https://www.canon.it/cameras/large-sensor-compact-cameras/
  10. http://www.steves-digicams.com/camera-reviews/canon/
  11. http://cameradecision.com/review/Panasonic-Lumix-DMC-ZS70
  12. https://www.sony.it/electronics/fotocamere-cyber-shot-compatte/dsc-rx100




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Teams are immutable. Every time someone leaves, or joins, you have a new team, not a changed team.


2-set-2017 yt/Maradona Goal V England 1986.Goal impossible


http://www.btboces.org/Downloads/6_All Summer in a Day.pdf  tutta l'estate in un giorno di Ray Bradbury






wp/Libro_di_Kells | Monachesimo_irlandese

In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum.

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and God was the word.



  1. Come rapire Martina, di 5 anni, ai giardinetti Le informazioni sono un bene prezioso, un bene che può essere anche utilizzato non per quello che pensiamo.
  2. La Modalità Incognito non è poi così sicura Ricostruire i siti visitati da chiunque è fin troppo semplice.


  1. Proofs without words http://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php?title=Proofs_without_words
  2. USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS) is a free mathematics competition open to all United States middle and high school students http://usamts.org/Gallery/G_Gallery.php
  3. https://protoctrl.com/protoblog supercube
  4.  http://www.corestandards.org/Math/
  5. http://www.openmiddle.com/about/
  6. http://www.smarterbalanced.org/about/
  7. https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en



  1. Euclide "geometry without numbers"
  2. Projective Geometry: From Foundations to Applications http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~aar/papers/beutel.pdf
  3. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic1320346.files/Dieudonne%20HistoricalDevlopmentOfAG.pdf
  4. The Four Pillars of Geometry   http://site10.oclassedu.ekuy.com:86/uploads/17/a1/85/17_a185388bcb26a481f4274be71d8be76c_20055.pdf
  5. Open Questions: Geometry and Topology
  6. Beyond Pythagoras
  7. a-background-to-geometry-natural-synthetic-and-algebraic/
  8. http://www.jonathancrabtree.com/euclid/elements_book_VII_definitions-PML.html
    1. http://www.jonathancrabtree.com/mathematics/multiplication-via-rene-descartes-and-isaac-newton/
    2. https://www.geogebra.org/jonathancrabtree
    3. https://www.geogebra.org/m/x90Ylkv8 Descartes Multiplication




  1. ansa/sbocciato-il-primo-crisantemo-blu
  2. wp/Morning_glory   Belle_di_giorno
  3. gg/royal+horticultural+society+color+chart
  4. artificial-chicken-grown-cells-gets-taste-test
  5. yt/Square Wheeled Bike Bicycle Trike Tricycle Square Wheels!
  6. ansa/i-due-volti-dellacqua | Odd properties of water and ice explained: Water exists as two different liquids
  7. il-futuro-del-lavoro-sorpresa-serviranno-gli-studi-umanistici/



wp/Software_as_a_service SaaS




yt/Riemann Hypothesis

yt/Fermat's Last Theorem

yt/The Bridges to Fermat's Last Theorem

yt/The Heart of Fermat's Last Theorem

yt/Balancing a Ruler

yt/Coupled Pendulums


22-luglio-2017 wp/Il_matrimonio_alchimistico_di_Alistair_Crompton



wp/Clifford_Simak    Anni_senza_fine




wp/Generation_X:_Tales_for_an_Accelerated_Culture  Generazione X  1960-80





Rieman hypotesis


18luglio2017 Maryam_Mirzakhani

  1. wp/Statistical thermodynamics
  2. wp/Elementary_Principles_in_Statistical_Mechanics
  3. 14-luglio-2017
  4. http://www.grandeguerra.rai.it/articoli/lettere-dal-fronte/28737/default.aspx
  5. Gotcha
  6. The helical model - our Galaxy is a vortex
  7. climate_change_isn_t_to_blame_for_the_iceberg_that_broke_off_antarctica.html




Personaggi YouTube



yt/David Gilmour - The Best Guitar Solos



  1. Msquito shootdown sequence by laser gun
  2. photonic-fence
  4. 8-7-2017 film: Tears_of_the_Sun
  5. United_States_Navy_SEALs#Special_warfare_ratings
  6. weapons used in the film Tears of the Sun
  7. -tears-sun-us-navy-seal-team-8-lots-pics.html
  8. Fireteam
  9. film: The_Interpreter


Muse - Muscle Museum

Muse - Plug In Baby

Muse - Time Is Running Out

Muse - Hysteria  Eargasmic as hell

Muse - Supermassive Black Hole

LP Black holes & revelations : is progressive rock

Muse - Uprising

Muse - Supremacy

28-5-2017 Kiruna

22-5-2017 una joven muy amistosa

21-5-2017 Stagnone_(laguna) amata da Tullio de Mauro

13-5-2017 James Ellroy

12-5-2017 marc quinn flowers

11-5-2017 America tra le righe, Ep 7 California dreaming. mm:ss 13:22 Vendela Vida

11-5-2017 Robert_Miles

3-5-2017 Murray's law.

2-5-2017 Il_nemico_alle_porte (film)

30-4-2017 Rila_Monastery | Jacovitti

19-4-2017 Pelleas_et_Melisande_(opera)

1-4-2017 Waddesdon_Manor





Recommended Science Fiction

18-3-2017 https://www.androidpit.com/best-translation-apps-for-android

"LIFE 120" Guarito da ALLERGIE




27-1-2016 Marcello_Minenna | valuta-ombra  20-11-2013

http://paolomanasse.it/ | Uscire dall'euro? 3-6-2014




Da vedere

Samuele Bersani  Spaccacuore


Goliarda Sapienza   L'arte della gioia




Ippocastano macerato glicolico

Servezio silicio estratto dal bambu'


fratel andrea pozzo gesuita 

illusione opinione

verita' concetto

espresso nella illusionie-verita' pittorica

chiesa del gesu'



  1. Socratica https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6TXMZ5Pq6yL6_k5NZ2e0Q
  2. Assisted Suicide of Michèle Causse https://youtu.be/JfyxUO4ZsDo
  3. Don and Iris goodbye.wmv https://youtu.be/ChKa2b12Yhw
  4. BBC shows Simon Binner last moments live https://youtu.be/mG9d3eHrsXY
  5. How To Die Simon Binner Choice https://youtu.be/YuYIPJvEsKU
  6. -------------------------------------
    Tullio De Mauro parla di Sergio Lepri in http://www.sergiolepri.it/news
  7. introduzione autografa al sito http://www.sergiolepri.it/
  8. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergio_Lepri
  9. Progetto di semplificazione del linguaggio. Manuale di stile

    Le prime 7 pagine sono divertenti da leggere, per cultura generale, poi se c'e' un interesse specifico.

  10. Indoor gardening with hydroponics https://youtu.be/Sv9wD2HNSnA



  1. Shapeshifting Mutaforma
  2. Calliope  Nella mitologia greca Calliope (in Greco Καλλιωπη, ossia "dallo sguardo bello") era la musa della poesia epica, figlia di Zeus e Mnemosine, conosciuta come la Musa di Omero, l'ispiratrice dell'Iliade e dell'Odissea.
  3. http://www.google.com/liftware/
  4. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1243275397/air-umbrella
  5. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostromo_(astronave)
  6. Stonewell www.dmcshop.it
  7. E' arrivata la bufera ... con l'acqua che scende che scorre che va
  8. DIY: How to Make an Edible Water "Bottle" or Bubble
  9. sintassi paratassi ipotassi
  10. pharmacon: veleno che medica, medicina che avvelena.
  11. evolution - the last step
  12. Hollywood's History of Faking It | The Evolution of Greenscreen Compositing
  13. http://youtu.be/_h_86kkeXik?list=RDCPyVnM1MVQ8
  14. Battleborn: Official Reveal Trailer
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYCRNGikr50&feature=share&list=PL1FA3A07C60A636DA
  16. mai ci fu storia di maggior dolore di quella di giulietta e del suo amore.
  17. www.openstreetmap.org
  18. Tails: the Amnesic Incognito Live System
  19. Gaokao
  20. Top 5 moments at Roland Garros - Great shots
  21. youtube/Lumektor
  22. consumerphysics.com/myscio/ | kickstarter/scio-your-sixth-sense-a-pocket-molecular-sensor-fo
  23. Ducati scrambler
  24. Quotes on writing
  25. http://youtu.be/s9QPMpHdktY
  26. http://youtu.be/po4WHK4yDkk
  27. wp/Killer_Joe
  28. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF806180C92247D44
  29. BloodandBoneChina
  30. http://www.radio3.rai.it/Lezioni_di_musica
  31. World teacher's day  5 october
  32. wp/Racconto_della_finestra_rotta
  33. wp/School_bus_yellow

  34. wp/Takeoff/Go-around_switch | TOGA take-off-go-around | Cockpit Voice Recorder database
  35. wp/Linked_Data
  36. http://www.mathdance.org/
  37. http://www.muse.it/
  38. okfn.org/ Open Knowledge Foundation
  40. http://www.volunia.com/
  41. http://www.opte.org/maps/
  42. http://www.spillcontainment.com/everdry
  43. http://www.khronos.org/webgl/wiki/Demo_Repository
  44. http://youtu.be/49 quadrocopter in outdoor-formation-flight
  45. http://vimeo.com/Anakata on founding The Pirate Bay
  46. http://youtu.be/Kittinger jump at 102,800 feet
  47. https://twitter.com/#!/search/%23QuerelaConPaola
    1. Querelo la Barilla. Perchè le penne non scrivono e le farfalle non volano. e le orecchiette non sentono.
    2. Querelo la mozzarella che ho mangiato poco fa. Era una bufala.
    3. Io querelo le cipolle che mi fanno piangere.


Guarda qui, le follie della rete:

  1. Perossido_di_acetone|Acetone_peroxide
  2. Tetranitrato_di_pentaeritrite
  3. RDX
  4. Ciclotetrametilentetranitroammina
  5. HNIW
  6. Dinitrotetraoxadiazaciclododecano
  7. Ottanitrocubano
  8. Trinitrotoluene

Secondo me queste cose non sono da pubblicare su wikipedia



  1. Cornelius Lanczos (1893-1974) about mathematics
  2. Shellac gommalacca
  3. Celluloid
  4. Bakelite inventata da Leo Baekeland | Bakelite Museum
  5. Plastics
  6. Carbon_fiber_reinforced_polymer
  7. Composite_material
  8. Paper_clip graffetta
  9. "An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump", Joseph Wright 'of Derby', 1768, National Gallery, Londra.
  10. http://youtu.be/Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of everything
  11. http://youtu.be/Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers
  12. On Some Chemical Agencies of Electricity (1806)  Sir Humphry Davy
  13. 3nov2013 Recombination_hotspot | Meioses
  14. asteroid impacts

  15. 13 Yr Old Built A Nuclear Fusion Reactor | Farnsworth–Hirsch fusor | Philo_Farnsworth
  16. http://learningsources.altervista.org/
  17. Nuovo soggettario. BNCF Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze
  18. Interactive Lectures

  19. Lab cartografia Venezia

  20. Inclined plane automated measure
  21. Feynman: Mathematicians versus Physicists



  1. 14ago2013 the brick factory problem
  2. journey_to_the_center_of_a_triangle |.afana.org/cornwell.htm | tumblr.com/search/mathematics
  3. Newtons First Law Inertia - Science Theater 14
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_vector
  5. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89quipollence
  6. http://classes7.com/O1-History-of-Mathematics,-Lecture-14-Linear-Algebra-Monday-21-download-w28075.pd
  7. Yet Another Mathblog
  8. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partizione_di_un_intero
  9. http://www.math-atlas.org/
  10. Faithful_representation
  11. http://www.logicmatters.net/2012/05/teach-yourself-logic-1-first-order-logic/
  12. intersection-of-1d-segments/ | Interval_tree

  13. pythagoras teo
  14. wiki/Project_Euler | http://projecteuler.net/



  1. Bangladesh, dopo la strage Benetton e le multinazionali della moda firmano l'accordo sulla sicurezza







28lug2012 ECTS-credits | Processo_di_Bologna | Bologna_process

Tupolev_Tu-160 | GLONASS | flickr/astrosamantha/

21luglio Watershed_image_processing

17luglio Read the masters | Newer is not necessarily better.

11luglio Wikipedia:Featured_pictures





7 luglio




6luglio 2012

  1. http://www.wolframalpha.com/docs/timeline/computable-knowledge-history-6.html
  2. http://oeis.org/
  3. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSC2000
  4. http://www.aip.org/pacs/pacs2010/individuals/pacs2010_regular_edition/index.html
  5. http://www.math.cornell.edu/~hatcher/
  6. www.cs.columbia.edu/~stratos/research/algeto_graph.pdf





20:00 lorem ipsum RadioDj   cooking with the dog



  1. 'Computer science is the continuation of logic by other means.' -- Georg_Gottlob
  2. "No matter how slow you are writing clean code, you will always be slower if you make a mess." - Uncle_Bob
  3. http://www.cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/blog/archives/monthly/2012-02.html#e2012-02-14T15_51_31.htm

1 anno di terremoti in Giappone. youtube

Inizio affascinante. Poi arriva la grande scossa. A maggio si puo' anche smettere.



  1. 16dic2011 George Pòlya said,
    "Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to solve a more general one."
  2. hindsight ['ha?nd?sa?t] n ? senno di poi
    with the benefit of hindsight ? con il senno di poi
  3. There’s more to teaching that putting facts in front of people; when it’s done well, teaching is about organizing those facts into a coherent narrative so that learners can see how the facts fit together.
  4. Objects are data structures with functions. Closures are functions with data.


8gen2012 http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1151/


11 ott 2011 Nokia, la nuova suoneria è italiana | Dubstep | nokiatune

09 ott 2011 Eleonora_Pimentel_Fonseca | Cristina_Trivulzio_Belgiojoso

02 ott 2011 perfect mazes = spanning trees www.jamisbuck.org/presentations/rubyconf2011

14 set 2011

Live frogs are just very different than dead frogs.


expression trees map perfectly to stacks: (a+b)*(c-d) becomes a b + c d - *

Expression graphs, simply means that you use something more than once, however, start to get messy:

(a+b)*a becomes a dup b + *, and this dup cluttering things up is a moderate example.


Image-video sharing/hosting. Flickr, YouTube. | Podcast, screencast, webcast.

Seduta di apprendimento

  1. spieg-are/zione, explan-ation
  2. far ricercare la soluzione all'allievo
  3. ricerca partecipata (= un misto tra i 2 modi). Scoperta guidata.

Major problem with

  learning distant learning
Teacher side What to do if the student isn't listening when you explain? How can you get that "in-class" experience?
student side How do you Know what the student is thinking when he solves a problem? How do we know who is doing the work?





  1. Python data entry.
  2. KIS keep it simple
  3. Google code.
  4. Course Evaluations. http://www.cdm.depaul.edu/People/Pages/facultyinfo.aspx?fid=343

widget | WSGI | CSV ACID | Convention over configuration

18 lug 2011

html import html? >>>

Google code.


19 luglio 2011

Sto ancora girovagando.


http://software-carpentry.org/4_0/python/ Ho scaricato la lezione iniziale su python di software-carpentry. Scaricata, non studiata.


Ho scaricato un add-on di firefox un "video downloader" BYTubeD, per scaricare i video della lezione, poiche' la mia connessione e' lenta.


www.annedawson.net insegnante di matematica che mi sembra insegni circa come farei io up-to-date 2011 !






Ricerca sulla "prospettiva"


idem: Ricerca sulla "prospettiva"

Ho deciso cosa studiare e ti propongo di studiare >>>

Ho ritrovato l'opera di CorradoBrogi


Seven Principles Of Software Development


Web application.






ho scoperto che la URL viene decodificata, cosa che gia' sapevo, ma ero legato all'apparenza di URL incomprensibili, qui invece e' la parola stessa che e' la chiave di accesso. Il che e' completamente sensato. URL con la sintassi di un path, come se fosse tutto statico, ma in effetti tutto dinamico.


Conoscenza numerica.

Sono proprio le equazione la nostra forma di conoscenza piu' profonda?

Abbeverarsi alla fonte.


17 ago 2011

Dalla newsLetter GeoGebra



Si sono creati presso Google:

sito: https://sites.google.com/site/ggbgv11/home

gruppo: http://groups.google.com/group/ggb-gv


A short movie about GeoGebra in classroom (Spanish Gauss Project)

Social web. Social media. Twitter.



from http://twitter.com/#!/mathguide

from http://twitter.com/#!/search/geogebra


Batman equation

Elementi di geometria di Euclide.


SymPy Symbolic Python.

NumPy Numeric Python.

Versioning system. Revision control.

GSoC Google Summer of Code >>>








Lettera di addio di Steve Jobs

Steve jobs Stanford commencement speech 2005 part1 + Eng sub | part2


Take a look at the course evalutations





"The name Greek is no longer a mark of a race, but of an outlook, and is accorded to those who share our culture rather than our blood" ISOCRATES (PANEGYRICUS)


wiki/Isocrates | http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Greeks.htm


Somebody who only reads newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else. And what a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of other people is even in the best case rather paltry and monotonous. There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid mind and style and with good taste within a century. What has been preserved of their work belongs among the most precious possessions of mankind. We owe it to a few writers of antiquity (Plato, Aristotle, etc.) that the people in the Middle Ages could slowly extricate themselves from the superstitions and ignorance that had darkened life for more than half a millennium. Nothing is more needed to overcome the modernist's snobbishness.

Albert Einstein. 1954.

(Einstein was very optimistic because he assumed that there are some who read newspapers or books)



T.M.PLAUTI (TRUCULENTUS) http://it.wikiquote.org/wiki/Tito_Maccio_Plauto