^^ix Python.

  1. Linguaggio

  2. syntax | Python BNF.
  3. Python VS C, strongly-typed languages.
  4. Numbers
  5. Arithmetic. Operators.
  6. Variables are pointers to object.
  7. If it talks and walks like a duck, then it is a duck. Duck typing.
    1. Built-in simple types. int, float, complex, bool, str
    2. Built-in compound types:   list  tuple  range  set  dict
  8. Control flow.
    1. Function.
    2. Iterators.  for x in X:
  9. Itertools
    1. https://jmduke.com/2013/11/29/itertools
    2. https://realpython.com/python-itertools/
  10. Match statement. Structure pattern matching.
  11. pep-3107/Function Annotations
    1. pep-0484/Type Hints
    2. pep-0526/Syntax for Variable Annotations
    3. mypy.readthedocs/introduction
    4. twitter/gvanrossum
  12. Python data entry.
  13. Python std lib.
  14. Varie.
  15. Python. www pg
  16. Google code.
  17. Python biblio.
  18. Resources for learning & teaching python.
  19. Python. Letture.
  20. Applications

  21. Python distributions.
  22. PyGeo.
  23. lxml
  24. NumPy Numeric Python.
  25. SymPy Symbolic Python.
  26. Jupyter.

Libreria standard

  1. Data Types

    1. Collections

      1. collections.defaultdict(default_factory)
      2. collections.Counter([iterable-or-mapping])
  2. Numeric and Mathematical Modules

    1. random. Generate pseudo-random numbers.