^^Roberto Occa girovagare matematico.
lk | Girova mtm |
Video mtm | Links. Fisica | Links |
- This completely changed the way I see numbers | Modular Arithmetic Visually Explained
- 22-11-2020 Cardioid, Times Tables, Mandelbrot and the Heart of Mathematics
- 22-11-2020 The best teacher I never had.
A video tribute from Bill Gates to Richard Feynman.
- 700 years of secrets of the Sum of Sums (paradoxical harmonic series)
- 21-11-2020 The Only Knot You Need To Know...
- 21-11-2020 Copper's Surprising Reaction to Strong Magnets | Force Field Motion Dampening
- 21-11-2020 10
science esperiments. Motore a pila stilo, magnete e filo.
- 21-11-2020 prb 3 4
- Circolo trigonometrico
- Notazione potenze col triangolo
- Algebraic Calculus One - Coming soon!
- corsi
viral math problems
21-11-2020 Mathologer accessible explanations of hard and beautiful math(s)
yt/Shortest path
Zach Star
- All possible pythagorean triples, visualized
- But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1
- This problem seems hard, then it doesn't, but it really is
Group theory and why I love the monster
Zeta function. The Riemann hypothesis
- Riemann Hypothesis - Numberphile
- The Key to the
Riemann Hypothesis - Numberphile
- Visualizing the Riemann hypothesis and analytic continuation
- gen2021Alex Kontorovich, professor of mathematics at Rutgers University
- What is the Riemann Hypothesis?
Physics Explained
- Euler Finds The Prime Product Formula
- wp/Prime-counting_function
- I'll Let Myself In: Tactics of Physical Pen Testers
12-9-2017 wp/Hyperreal_number
Gian-Carlo_Rota |
Rota's_conjecture |
- librosito: Geometria quadratica.
Trigonometria quadratica.
- Partendo da Vladimir Arnold
citato da AndreaFarusi
- Four-vertex_theorem(or more
vertex): plane oval has at least four curvature extrema
- Evolute of a curve
- the
locus of all its centers of curvature
- equi: the envelope of the normals to a curve.
es: The evolute of a circle is therefore a single point at its center.
- Poligono semplice. Teorema della curva di
- wp/Poliedro_monostabile
Wow. I knew about the cardiod, the Mandlebrot set, and the times table
circular patterns, but I never stopped to think about how they were
connected--just amazing! Students often get frustrated when learning math
asking, "When will we ever use this?" I think many adults regret not
practicing math in school. And conversely, every single part of math I've
learned has eventually found use or at least been entertaining later in
life. It reminds me of Steve Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford in 2005.
He took calligraphy in college when typography was not really a practical
field. But it later gave him the idea to put multiple typefaces on the Mac.
The connections only made sense in hindsight, as he points out: "Of course
it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college.
But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later. Again, you
can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking
backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your
future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma,
whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the
difference in my life." From the full speech: