^^Albero pitagorico. Pythagoras tree.


Caso particolare: tri rettangolo isoscele.


  1. wp/Pythagoras_tree_(fractal)

    The Pythagoras tree is a plane fractal constructed from squares.

  2. mathworld.wolfram.com/PythagorasTree.html

    The Pythagoras tree is a fractal constructed iteratively from a right triangle with squares erected on each of the sides.

Costruzione con

  1. WolframAlpha: wolframalpha.com/input/?i=pythagoras+tree
  2. GeoGebra: geogebra.org/m/VU4SUVUp
  3. openprocessing.org/sketch/170590/, easy controlled, shown details you can look at the code that I made.
  4. https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Pythagoras_tree

L'albero pitagorico e' un Albero binario.

Links inet

  1. wp/Albero_di_Pitagora
  2. http://larryriddle.agnesscott.org/ifs/pythagorean/Bosman.htm

Links librosito

  1. ix Albero o piramide.
  2. WolframAlpha






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