^^Matematica. Libri.

Libri, librerie.


vedi anche Fisici Matematici Informatici on the web.

  1. Correnti

  2. http://www.vias.org/comp_geometry/index.html
  3. Storia matematica

  4. Michael Hart Ranking Of The 100 Great Muhammad Number1
  5. A history of Greek mathematics vol1  by Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940
  6. A history of Greek mathematics vol2  by Heath, Thomas Little, Sir, 1861-1940
  7. A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by Ball, W. W. Rouse (Walter William Rouse), 1850-1925
  8. HistoryOfVectorAnalysis.pdf - Crowe
  9. The axiomatization of linear algebra: 1875-1940
  10. A general outline of the genesis of vector space theory
  11. Vectors and beyond
  12. Algebra

  13. The Evolution of Group Theory: A Brief Survey
  14. Parity Theorem for Permutations
  15. Felix Klein Development_of_mathematics_in_the_19th_century borrow
    Citato scherzosamente da Vladimir Arnold. (1937-2010)  come il libro che gli ha insegnato la matematica.
  16. Logica

  17. alexandrianlibers.files.wordpress/tarski-introduction-to-logic-and-to-the-methodology-of-the-deductive-sciences-4ed-oup-1994-1-copy.pdf
  18. CatTheory

  19. math.mit.edu/~dspivak/teaching/sp18/7Sketches.pdf esempi non matematici
  20. cs.man.ac.uk/~hsimmons/BOOKS/CatTheory.pdf
  21. Geometria

  22. William_Kingdon_Clifford
  23. Geometry of Riemannian Spaces, By Élie Cartan http://books.google.it
  24. Louis Lagrange (dicono scrivesse dicendo il suo pensiero, all'opposto di Gauss)
  25. Elementary mathematics from an advanced standpooint - Felix Klein
  26. The 4 pillars of geometry.pdf
  27. unesco/.pdf Teaching of geometry
  28. Norman_Wildberger/Divine-Proportions-Rational-Trigonometry-to-Universal-geometry.pdf
  29. http://www.cimat.mx/kiselev/book1_planimetry.pdf
  30. Geometric exercises in paper folding
  31. On the study and difficulties of mathematics - Augustus De Morgan 1831
  32. TheDecompositionOfFiguresIntoSmallerParts - V.G. Boltyanskii 1980
  33. Mistakes in geometric proofs - Dubnov, I͡A. S. (I͡Akov Semenovich), 1887-1957
  34. bookauthority/best-vector-analysis-books
  35. varie

  36. Essays in the theory of numbers, 1. Continuity of irrational numbers, 2. The nature and meaning of numbers. - Dedekind
  37. An introduction to Combinatory analysis by MacMahon, Percy Alexander, 1854-1929
  38. Boltianskii, Vladimir Grigor'evich.
    The decomposition of figures into smaller parts.
    (Popular lectures in mathematics) (Survey of recent East European mathematical literature)
  39. Caude-Berge-and-the-Oulipo



  1. Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint.
  2. wp/Proofs_from_THE_BOOK
    1. BookOfProof.djvu
    2. NotBook4.pdf
  3. Challenging Mathematical Problems with Elementary Solutions vol1&2
  4. ChallengingProblemsInAlgebra
  5. ChallengingProblemsInGeometry
  6. IntroductionToGraphTheory Wilson
  7. Introducrion to graph theory  West
  8. the method of coordinates I.M.GelfandE.G.GlagolevaA.A.Kirilov
  9. Grundlagen der Geometrie, di Hilbert. La versione pdf e' la migliore.
  10. Serie di Taylor. Taylor, Brook (1715), Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa, London: William Innys. Annotated English translation by Ian Bruce. wp/Brook_Taylor
  11. Logica - Categorie

  12. raymond_m._smullyan-to_mock_a_mockingbird_combinatory_logic_1985 >>>
  13. logicmatters.net/godel-without-tears
  14. logicmatters.net/categories
  15. Vettori Tensori >>>

  16. Geometria proiettiva

  17. elements of projective geometry cremona luigi
  18. Elementi di Geometria Projettiva Luigi Cremona
  19. Projective Geometry Volume 1
  20. Projective Geometry Volume 2




Cornell University Library Historical Math Monographs

  1. Cornell University Library Historical Math Monographs  Projecteuclid.org
  2. Selezione italiani
  3. Repertorio di matematiche superiori (definizioni--formole--teoremi--cenni bibliografici), I. Ernesto Pascal (1898)
  4. I gruppi continui di trasformazioni. Ernesto Pascal (1903)
  5. I miei integrafi per equazioni differenziali. Ernesto Pascal (1914)
  6. Lezioni di geometria intrinseca. Ernesto Cesaro (1896)
  7. Elementi di calcolo infinitesimale con numerosi applicazioni geometriche. Ernesto Cesaro (1905)
  8. Applicazioni geometriche del calcolo infinitesimale. Giuseppe Peano (1887)
  9. Corso di geometria analitico-proiettiva per gli allievi della R. Accademia Militare. Cesare Burali-Forti (1912)
  10. Exposition de la méthode des equipollences. Giusto Bellavitis (1874)
  11. Fondamenti di geometria a più dimensioni e a più specie di unità rettilinee esposti in forma elementare. Giuseppe Veronese (1891)
  12. Fondamenti per la teorica delle funzioni di variabili reali. Ulisse Dini (1878)
  13. Selezione interessanti
  14. Euclid's book On divisions of figures. Raymond Clare Archibald. Franz Wopcke and Leonardo Fibonacci (ed.) (1915)
  15. Lectures on elementary mathematics. J. L. Lagrange. Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph) MCCormack (ed.) (1898)
  16. Lord Kelvin. George F Fitzgerald (1899)