^^Numeri complessi. Storia.


credits: From Euclid to Riemann.

  1. 1673  Wallis insisted that imaginary numbers are not unuseful and absurd when properly understood by using a geometric model just like negative numbers (Algebra, Vol. II, Chap. LXVI, 1673).
  2. 1740  e(√-1)θ = cosθ + (√-1)sinθ   Euler's earth-shaking formula of complex analysis, obtained by formally manipulating complex power series. Euler observed that could be used to reduce any trigonometric identity to much simpler exponential identities.
    ref: 1748 Introductio in analysin infinitorum. Leonhardo Eulero books.google
    ref: wp/Complex_number#History
  3. 1751  Euler persuaded himself that there is an advantage for the use of imaginary numbers
  4. 1755  Euler introduced the symbol i for the imaginary unit.
  5. 1765  Euler Elements_of_Algebra elementary text book introduces complex numbers almost at once and then uses them in a natural way throughout. Euler considered natural to introduce students to complex numbers much earlier than we do today.
    ref: wp/Complex_number#History
  6. geometric representation of complex numbers

  7. 1796  Gauss had been in possession of the geometric representation of complex numbers since 1796.
  8. 1797  C. Wessel presented a memoir to the Copenhagen Academy of Sciences in which he announced the same idea, but it did not attract attention.
  9. 1806  J. R. Argand went public with the same formulation.
  10. 1811  December 18, Gauss, in a letter to F. W. Bessel 

    first I would like to ask anyone who wishes to introduce a new function into analysis to explain whether

    Here it is not a question of practical value ; analysis is for me an independent science, which would suffer serious loss of beauty and completeness, and would have constantly to impose very tiresome restrictions on truths which would hold generally otherwise, if these imaginary quantities were to be neglected... (Werke, X, p. 366-367)

  11. 1831 trattato di Gauss sui nr complessi come punti nel piano, che stabilisce in larga parte la moderna notazione e terminologia.
  12. 1833  Coppie algebriche di Hamilton (a,b)∈R2

    nr complesso identificato con coppia ordinata di nr reali (a,b)∈R2;
    esse costituiscono un campo, dotate di opportuno prodotto.

    Hamilton crea una teoria puramente algebrica, senza ricorso alla geometria.

    credits: serge.mehl/Hamilton.  nm: coppia = paio


Sources of confusion using (√-1)2=-1

√a√b = √(ab)  algebraic identity valid for non-negative real numbers,

seemed to be capriciously inconsistent with

(√-1)2 = √-1 √-1 = -1*-1 = 1

Baez plus.maths

Equazione polinomiale, soluzione.

I matematici italiani del 1400 non pubblicherebbero un articolo sulle proprie scoperte sulla soluzione delle equazioni; se qualcuno cavasse un nuovo metodo per risolvere un'equaz polinomiale, lo terrebbe segreto e lancerebbe una competizione per mostrare che potrebbe dominare l'avversario risolvendo equaz che gli altri non potrebbero.

Numeri immaginari

Questo trucco di prendre la radice quadrata di numeri negativi e trattenere il fiato finchè ne fai nuovamente il quadrato ed il problema scompare, col tempo divenne familiare, ma ancora nessuno aveva una chiara idea di cosa questi numeri immaginari fossero effettivamente.

