^^Comunicazione informatica.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
—George Bernard Shaw


Comunicazione informatica  ≡  sistema di comunicazione informatica

ha (e' fatto da)

  1. una parte fisica  es: collegamenti, chip
  2. un protocollo di comunicazione
  3. un software

a tutti ci si rivolge con lo stesso nome; cio' puo' produrre confusione, specialmente per il principiante.

  1. 1-Wire communication.
  2. I2C communication.


Tipi di protocollo.


SPI Serial Peripheral Interface,   Serial Peripheral Interface Bus    wp
synchronous serial communication interface specification used for short-distance communication, primarily in embedded systems.
Ex:  Secure Digital cards, liquid crystal displays.

SPI devices communicate in full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture usually with a single master.


UART  Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter  wp

is a serial communications interface.

"universal" means that it can be configured to support many different specific serial protocols.

The term is generic, and does not represent a specific standard. At minimum it means that it has a TX and an RX line, which sends a serial data stream and receives a serial data stream.

RS-232  wpSerial_port

A standard defining the signals between two devices, defining the signal names, their purpose, voltage levels, connectors and pinouts.


GPIO general purpose IO pin

USB Universal Serial Bus 


Line_driver  electronic amplifier for driving a load such as a transmission line for analog and digital signals. wp


USB to Serial (TTL level) converter

FTDI Future Technology Devices International Limited, Scottish private semiconductor device company, specialising in USB technology.




^^  | Rete Ethernet.Rete Wi-Fi.