^^Comunicazione informatica. Tipi di protocollo.

tipi di protocollo informatico, tipi di protocollo di comunicazione informatico.


Controller/peripheral formerly known as master/slave

Arduino no longer supports the use of master/slave terminology.

ref: https://docs.arduino.cc/learn/communication/one-wire


one speaks, all listen   
any information sent by one station is received by all
even if that information is intended for just one destination.


slave speak-when-spoken-to 
slave communicates only when the master requests it;
i.e. not allowed slave-initiated communications.


single-drop system   1 slave on the bus
multidrop                 more slaves on the bus.


Duplex_(telecommunications) wp

simplex communication  1 device transmits, the others can only listen.
Examples: broadcast radio and television, garage door openers, baby monitors, wireless microphones, and surveillance cameras.

duplex communication   devices that can communicate with one another in both directions

FDX full-duplex   trasmissione bidirezionale simultanea

HDX half-duplex  trasmissione bidirezionale alternata

2 ways alternate   il canale e' bidirezionale, ma viene usato solo in una direzione per volta.

Some computer-based systems of the 1960s and 1970s required full-duplex facilities, even for half-duplex operation, since their poll-and-response schemes could not tolerate the slight delays in reversing the direction of transmission in a half-duplex line.


ACK/NACK   Acknowledged/Not_Acknowledged wp

in una rxtx (ricetrasmissione)

ACK / NAK  affirmative/negative response, transmitted from a receiver as a response to the sender.

Un messaggio inviato a seguito della ricezione di un messaggio per accettarlo o rifiutarlo. es:

  1. ACK/NAK accettato/rifiutato se ricezione senza/con errori.
  2. ACK can indicate that a slave station has received a message correctly and is ready to receive more.
  3. NAK can be sent as a response to indicate inability to receive a message, or to request resending.

Many protocols contain checksums to verify the integrity of the payload and header.


Nel codice ASCII: 06H ACK    15H  NAK




