^^John Horton Conway.


died on Saturday, April 11, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, from complications related to COVID-19. He was 82.

Io l'ho scoperto 8maggio come notizia in parentesi in physicists-criticize-stephen-wolframs-theory-of-everything



John Horton Conway in his office at Princeton University in 1993. He had an extrovert Pied Piper persona, and his classes were invariably oversubscribed. Photograph: Dith Pran/The New York Times/Red/eyevine

3 bits of advice by Conway

  1. design your notation so that it’s easy to use;
  2. make even small edits to improve your writing if you’re given the chance;
  3. give interesting names to new concepts so people will remember them

ref: scientificamerican/remembering-mathematical-magician-john-conway


layman  laico, profano

Links librosito

Sistemi di riferimento. Tipi.


  1. Obituary

  2. terrytao/2020/04/12/john-conway/
  3. theguardian/john-horton-conway-obituary
  4. princeton.edu/2020/04/14
  5. twitter
  6. www.quantamagazine.org/john-conway-solved-mathematical-problems-with-his-bare-hands-20200420/

    Conway was an active researcher and a fixture in the Princeton math department common room well into his 70s. A major stroke two years ago, however, consigned him to a nursing home. His former colleagues, including Kochen, saw him there regularly until the COVID-19 pandemic made such visits impossible. Kochen continued to talk to him on the phone through the winter, including a final conversation about two weeks before Conway died.

    “He didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t get any visitors, and he talked about that damn virus. And in fact, that damn virus did get him,” Kochen said.

  7. www.quantamagazine.org/graduate-student-solves-decades-old-conway-knot-problem-20200519
  8. video

  9. yt/Life, Death and the Monster (John Conway)
  10. uc_tv/Tangles-Bangles-and-Knots-with-John-Conway
  11. Interview with Conway.pdf
  12. Google groups geometry.research

    1. Rotations3D
    2. Conway on Trilinear vs Barycentric coordinates



Is there a  characterization of the points 'inside' a triangle ABC in the Euclidean plane.


Express the vector to P as a linear combination P = xA + yB + zC
of those to A,B,C, with the side condition x + y + z = 1.

Then P is inside the triangle just if x,y,z are positive.

ref: https://groups.google.com/forum/Points inside a triangle


"any" is a dangerous word in mathematics - I can't tell whether it here means "some" or "every".

            John Conway