^^Numeri figurati; triangolari, rettangolari, quadrati. Storia.


We have the best evidence (e.g. in Theon of Smyrna) of the practice of representing square numbers and other figured numbers, e.g. oblong, triangular, hexagonal, by dots or signs arranged in the shape of the particular figure. (Cf. Aristotle, Metaph. 1092 b 12).

Thus, says Treutlein, it would be easily seen that any square number can be turned into the next higher square by putting a single row of dots round two adjacent sides, in the form of a gnomon (see figures on next page).
If a is the side of a particular square, the gnomon round it is shown by simple inspection to contain 2a + 1 dots or units.

I think Treutlein's hypothesis is shown to be the correct one by the passage in Aristotle's Physics already quoted, where the reference is undoubtedly to the Pythagoreans, and odd numbers are clearly identified with gnomons "placed around 1." But the ancient commentaries on the passage make the matter clearer still. Philoponus says: "As a proof ... the Pythagoreans refer to what happens with the addition of numbers; for when the odd numbers are successively added to a square number they keep it square and equilateral.... Odd numbers are accordingly called gnomons because, when added to what are already squares, they preserve the square form.... Alexander has excellently said in explanation that the phrase ' when gnomons are placed round' means making a figure with the odd numbers ... for it is the practice with the Pythagoreans to represent things in figures.


pag367 Heath vol1


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Che numeri usavano i greci antichi ? >>>

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