^^Vocabolario. Appunti vari.


dad  /dad/   papa' babbo
dead  /dɛd/  morto mortale mortalmente


source  /sɔːs/   sorgente fonte
sauce   /sɔːs/  salsa sugo


CEO  chief executive officer,   Amministratore delegato


cater  /ˈkeɪtə/   provvedere  approvvigionare
provide food and drink for (an event).
"he catered a lunch for 20 people"


Water cooler chat    water cooler talk    water cooler conversation
talking by the water cooler (whatever you want to call it)
is what happens when colleagues take a break from work.


I met "Tit_for_tat" as a successfully strategy in game theory.


fishy   /ˈfɪʃi/
relating to or resembling fish or a fish.
"a fishy smell"
arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion.
"I'm convinced there is something fishy going on"

crumble  /ˈkrʌmb(ə)l/   crollare  sgretolarsi  sbriciolarsi
verb  1. break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.
"the plaster started to crumble"

2. cause (something) to break apart into small fragments.
"the easiest way to crumble blue cheese"
Sinonimi: pulverize powder granulate fragment triturate powderize
3. "the party's fragile unity began to crumble"
noun British
a mixture of flour and fat that is rubbed to the texture of breadcrumbs and cooked as a topping for fruit.
"sprinkle the crumble over the rhubarb"
a pudding made with crumble and fruit.
"apple crumble"


wither   /ˈwɪðə/    appassire  avvizzire
1. "the grass had withered to an unappealing brown"
2. fall into decay or decline.
    "it is not true that old myths either die or wither away"


clash  /klaʃ/   noun  scontro urto cozzo collisione opposizione rumore metallico forte rumore

verb scontrarsi cozzare
1. a violent confrontation.
"there have been minor clashes with security forces"
2. a mismatch of colours.
"a clash of tweeds and a striped shirt"
3. a loud jarring sound, as of metal objects being struck together.
"a clash of cymbals"
1. meet and come into violent conflict.
"soccer hooligans clashed with rival fans before the match"
have a forceful disagreement.
"the prime minister clashed with other Commonwealth leaders"
2. (of colours) appear discordant or ugly when placed close to each other.
"the yellow shirt clashed with her purple skirt"
3.strike (cymbals) together, producing a loud discordant sound.

maverick  /ˈmav(ə)rɪk/   anticonformista; capo di bestiame non marchiato
1. an unorthodox or independent-minded person.
Similar:  individualist    nonconformist    free spirit    unorthodox person    unconventional person    original    eccentric    outsider    rebel    dissenter    dissident
2.  an unbranded calf or yearling.

Origin   mid 19th century: from the name of Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), a Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle.

awe   /ɔː/    soggezione   timore

a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
"they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds"
be in awe of;  feel awe for
"his staff members are in awe of him"


compelling   /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/    avvincente   irresistibile    impellente

evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
"his eyes were strangely compelling"

spear   /spɪə/   lancia  fiocina  arpone;  verb  trafiggere  fiocinare
a weapon with a pointed tip, typically of steel, and a long shaft, used for thrusting or throwing.
an instrument with a long shaft and a barbed tip used for catching fish.
"smoked salmon wrapped around asparagus spears"

verb: pierce or strike with a spear or other pointed object.
"she speared her last chip with her fork"

Phrases:  the spear side — the male side or members of a family.


avenge  /əˈvɛn(d)ʒ/   vendicare

we must avenge our dead


HIT IT OFF (WITH SOMEONE) to be friendly with each other immediately.

I expect I’d hit it off with him if I met him.

We had similar ideas about the show, and the two of us hit it off right away.


meaty  /ˈmiːti/  carnoso

gung-ho  /ɡʌŋˈhəʊ/

unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager, especially about taking part in fighting or warfare.
"the gung-ho tabloids have wrapped themselves in the Union Jack"

Second World War: from Chinese gōnghé, taken to mean ‘work together’ and adopted as a slogan by US Marines.

humdrum  /ˈhʌmdrʌm/   noun: monotonia tedio ; adjective: monotono, noioso
"humdrum routine work"
"an escape from the humdrum of his life"


abbreviation   /əbriːvɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/

jumble /ˈdʒʌmb(ə)l/  confuso


untangle  /ʌnˈtaŋɡ(ə)l/   sbrogliare

free from a tangled or twisted state.
"fishermen untangled their nets"

make (something complicated or confusing) easier to understand or deal with.
"he knew he'd have to untangle a financial mess and somehow restore investor confidence"

Opposite:  tangle  jumble


Blockchain, Bitcoin, Smart Contract, NFT, Web 3.0   are the buzzword più gettonate. zn

"Buzzword" è un termine inglese che indica quelle parole di moda che tutti usano, e che sembrano racchiudere un significato ben preciso e conosciuto. Chi le usa fa normalmente una bella figura, salvo che qualcuno gli ponga delle domande o chieda spiegazioni; in quel caso spesso la questione si complica.


I met  tit_for_tat  as a successfully strategy in game theory.


Water cooler chat   water cooler talk    water cooler conversation    talking by the water cooler (whatever you want to call it)

is what happens when colleagues take a break from work



covenant  /ˈkʌv(ə)nənt/   patto convenzione accordo ; pattuire, fare una convenzione

an agreement.
"there was a covenant between them that her name was never to be mentioned"
a formal agreement, contract, or promise in writing, especially one undertaking to make regular payments to a charity.
a clause in a contract drawn up by deed.
an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and his people. The Jewish faith is based on the biblical covenants made with Abraham, Moses, and David.


agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.
"the landlord covenants to repair the property"
undertake to give (a sum of money) regularly to charity by means of a covenant.
"the company have covenanted £1,000 a year to the Law Library"

Old Covenant
the covenant between God and Israel in the Old Testament.
New Covenant
the covenant between God and the followers of Christ.


niggling  /ˈnɪɡlɪŋ/  insignificante  pignolo molesto minuzioso pedante

adjective: niggling

causing slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety.
"niggling aches and pains"

to niggle  /ˈnɪɡ(ə)l/
verb: gerund or present participle: niggling

cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety.
"Doreen wanted to discuss matters that niggled at her mind"
Similar: irritate annoy worry trouble bother.

criticize or annoy (someone) in a petty way.
"people niggling me for doing too much work"

jarring  /ˈdʒɑːrɪŋ/    stridente, dissonante
adjective: jarring

1. incongruous in a striking or shocking way; clashing.
"the telephone struck a jarring note in those Renaissance surroundings"
2. causing a physical shock, jolt, or vibration.
"the van came to a jarring halt"

to jar  /dʒɑː/
gerund or present participle: jarring

1. send a painful or damaging shock through something (especially a part of the body).
"he jarred the knee in training"
Similar: jolt jerk shake vibrate bang

strike against something with an unpleasant vibration or jolt.
"the stick jarred on the bottom of the pond"
2. have an unpleasant or disturbing effect.
"a laugh which jarred on the ears"
Similar: irritate annoy upset irk exasperate

be incongruous in a striking or shocking way.
"the play's symbolism jarred with the realism of its setting"

R.S.V.P. "Répondez S'il Vous Plaît" comes from the French phrase , which means "please reply."


wrath  /rɒθ,rɔːθ/    ira  collera  rabbia


fluff /flʌf/  lanugine, peluria;  entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial.


seagull  /ˈsiːɡʌl/   gabbiano


(to) flock  /flɒk/   noun:  gregge stormo branco fiocco batuffolo stuolo bioccolo

verb: affollarsi accalcarsi riunirsi  ammassarsi


(to) breed  /briːd/   noun: razza varietà discendenza  verb: allevare riprodursi


feigned  /feɪnd/   finto   simulated or pretended; insincere.
"her eyes widened with feigned shock"


intertwined  inter-twined /ɪntəˈtwʌɪn/  intrecciate, attorcigliate

twine /twʌɪn/

twin /twɪn/   gemello   rob: associo a duina

recklessly   /ˈrɛklɪsli/   avventatamente

without regard to the danger or the consequences of one's actions; rashly.
"he was driving recklessly and lost control"


smattering  /ˈsmatərɪŋ/    infarinatura

a slight superficial knowledge of a language or subject.
"Edward had only a smattering of Welsh"
a small amount of something.
"a smattering of snow"


latter  /ˈlatə/

1. occurring or situated nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.
"the latter half of 1989"

"the project has had low cash flows in latter years"
Similar: later

2. denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things.
"the Russians could advance into either Germany or Austria—they chose the latter option"

rife   /rʌɪf/
(especially of something undesirable) of common occurrence; widespread.
"male chauvinism was rife in medicine"
Similar: pervading
"the streets were rife with rumour and fear"


in an unchecked or widespread manner.
"speculation ran rife that he was an arms dealer"


idiosyncratic   /ˌɪdɪə(ʊ)sɪŋˈkratɪk/

relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual.
"she emerged as one of the great, idiosyncratic talents of the nineties"
Similar: distinctive individual peculiar personal private eccentric

leery  /ˈlɪəri/
cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions.
"a city leery of gang violence"


vibe  /vʌɪb/    vibrazione
a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.
"we've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy"
enjoy oneself by listening to or dancing to popular music.
"another classic CD for you to vibe with"
get on; have a good relationship.
"we vibe so well with each other"
transmit or give out (a feeling or atmosphere).
"he vibed pure hate in my direction"


blame  /bleɪm/   incolpare, colpa
feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong.
"the inquiry blamed the train driver for the accident"
assign the responsibility for a bad or unfortunate situation or phenomenon to (someone or something).
"they blame youth crime on unemployment"

responsibility for a fault or wrong.
"his players had to take the blame for the defeat"

squabble /ˈskwɒb(ə)l/   litigare

quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.
"the boys were squabbling over a ball"


disguised   /dɪsˈɡʌɪzd/    mascherato

having changed one's appearance in order to conceal one's identity.
"a disguised reporter"
concealed or obscured; made unrecognizable.
"are all of your novels disguised autobiography?"


formerly  /ˈfɔːməli/   precedentemente, gia'

in the past; in earlier times; previously earlier before
"Mumbai, formerly Bombay"


stark  /stɑːk/  sharply delineated
1. severe or bare in appearance or outline.
"the ridge formed a stark silhouette against the sky"
2. complete; sheer.
"he came running back in stark terror"


lingo /ˈlɪŋɡəʊ/  strange or incomprehensible language or speech


janitor  /ˈdʒanɪtə/     

a caretaker or doorkeeper of a building.
custodian porter.  From Latin janua ‘door’.

shrug  /ʃrʌɡ/     alzare le spalle, fare spallucce

raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.
"Jimmy looked enquiringly at Pete, who shrugged his shoulders"
dismiss something as unimportant.
"the managing director shrugged off the criticism"


spec  /spɛk/   short for specification;  specifica (di costruzione, di struttura, ecc ...)
plural: specs
"a camera with a very basic spec"

verb  specificare

give (something) a particular specification; construct to a specified standard.
"the range allows buyers to spec their truck to their needs"

abuzz  in fermento,  in subbuglio, gran fermento

hype     pubblicità clamore montatura campagna_pubblicitaria
             aspettative  propaganda  moda

alas  /əˈlas,əˈlɑːs/   ahimà
exclamation archaic humorous

used to express grief, pity, or concern.
"alas, my funds have some limitations"


viz.  viz  /vɪz/     cioe'

abbreviation for the Latin videlicet, which itself is a contraction of the Latin phrase videre licet, meaning "it is permitted to see". It is used as a synonym for "namely", "that is to say", "to wit", "which is", or "as follows".


clause  /klɔːz/   clausola  proposizione

1. a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.
2. a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contract.

From latin claus- ‘shut, closed’, from the verb claudere.

A clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a predicate. Every complete sentence is made up of at least one clause. ... An independent clause (or main clause) makes sense by itself.

beacon  /ˈbiːk(ə)n/    faro

a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.
"a chain of beacons carried the news"


kindred  /ˈkɪndrɪd/  affine  imparentato

kindred spirit     anima gemella

a person whose interests or attitudes are similar to one's own.
"I longed to find a kindred spirit"


occasionally /əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n(ə)li,əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəli,əˈkeɪʒən(ə)li/

at infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then.
"we met up occasionally for a drink"

beget  /bɪˈɡɛt/    generare  procreare
1. (especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.
"they hoped that the King might beget an heir by his new queen"
engender  generate  spawn  create  breed
2. cause; bring about.
"killings beget more killings"


committal  /kəˈmɪt(ə)l/    impegnativa stringente obbligatorio rispetto_della_regola
non-committal                  non impegnativo stringere obbligatorio


dank  /daŋk/   umido  bagnato
unpleasantly damp and cold.
"huge dank caverns"  "dank air of benign neglect"
damp musty chilly clammy wet moist unaired moisture-laden humid claggy

exude  /ɪɡˈzjuːd,ɛɡˈzjuːd/  essudare trasudare
"the beetle exudes a caustic liquid"
"Sir Thomas exuded goodwill"

give off/out discharge emit issue emanate leak leach secrete excrete sweat filtrate transude exudate

akin   /əˈkɪn/    simile analogo  (a kind of)

of similar character.
"something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her"


accrete  /əˈkriːt/    accrescere
grow by accumulation or coalescence.
"ice that had accreted grotesquely into stalactites"
form (a composite whole) by gradual accumulation.
"the collection of art he had accreted was to be sold"


tip  /tɪp/   extremity

the pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering.
"George pressed the tips of his fingers together"
point  end   head


tipsy  /ˈtɪpsi/   slightly drunk.  brillo alticcio
"tipsy revellers"
merry  mellow  tiddly  squiffy

hype   /hʌɪp/

extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.
"his first album hit the stores amid a storm of hype"
publicity  advertising  promotion  marketing


willingly  /ˈwɪlɪŋli/

readily; of one's own free will.
"she went willingly"


stretch            /strɛtʃ/

ambiguous      /amˈbɪɡjʊəs/

wp/idiolect     /ˈɪdɪəlɛkt/

conversation fillers


misspend  /mɪsˈspɛnd/  misspent  misspent

spend (one's time or money) foolishly, wrongly, or wastefully.
"perhaps I am atoning for my misspent youth"
Similar: wasted dissipated squandered   thrown away


stir  /stəː/   verb: stir stirred stirred stirring

1. move a spoon or other implement round in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly.
"Desmond stirred his tea and ate a biscuit"
Similar: mix blend agitate beat whip whisk muddle

mix an ingredient into (a liquid or other substance) by moving a spoon or other implement round and round.
"stir in the flour and cook gently for two minutes"


2. move or cause to move slightly.
"nothing stirred except the wind"
Similar: move slightly  change one's position twitch quiver tremble disturb rustle shake move flutter agitate swish   rise or wake from sleep.

"no one else had stirred yet"
Similar: get up   get out of bed  rouse oneself  bestir oneself  rise   show signs of life   be up and about  be active  wake up   awaken  be up and doing   rise and shine   surface   arise

leave or go out of (a place).
"as he grew older, he seldom stirred from his club"

begin or cause to begin to be active or to develop.
"the 1960s, when the civil rights movement stirred"
Similar: spur drive rouse prompt propel move motivate encourage urge impel induce provoke



copycat  /ˈkɒpɪkat/   copione, copiature

(especially in children's use) a person who copies another's behaviour, dress, or ideas.
"all writers are copycats"


tally  /ˈtali/  pl. tallies    a current score or amount.  Totale, totali, conteggi-o.
"that takes his tally to 10 goals in 10 games"


lurch    /ləːtʃ/    make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
"the car lurched forward"

they have lurched into an absurd place.


"one short sentence" explanation (of what xxx means).


accident    incidente, an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury

haphazard  ad azzardo, a casaccio

slapdash   done too hurriedly and carelessly


chutzpah    faccia tosta  (aramaico)


unrest   disruption  disturbance  agitation  upset  trouble  turmoil  tumult  disorder  chaos protest  sedition  rebellion






Ho imparato una nuova parola, della cui mancanza sentivo gli impedimenti:

Clickbait ("esca da clic"), in italiano acchiappaclic, è un termine che indica un contenuto web la cui principale funzione è di attirare il maggior numero possibile d'internauti, per generare rendite pubblicitarie online.


wp/Honors_student.  Honors courses.
An honors course is a class in which the most advanced students are placed.


lo  /ləʊ/  exclamation archaic

used to draw attention to an interesting or amazing event.
"and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them"


lo and behold
phrase of lo

used to present a new scene, situation, or turn of events, often with the suggestion that, though surprising, it could in fact have been predicted.
"you took me out and, lo and behold, I got home to find my house had been ransacked"


yt/Lo And Behold: Reveries of the Connected World - Official Trailer


plumbing  /ˈplʌmɪŋ/  noun: tubatura

the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building.
"you may be able to get a grant to install proper plumbing and bathrooms"
the work of installing and maintaining a plumbing system
"the magazine gives a guide to the tools needed for home plumbing"
used as a humorous euphemism for the excretory, urinary, or reproductive systems.
"maybe I should talk to my doctor about my plumbing"


burdensome  /ˈbəːdns(ə)m

difficult to carry out or fulfil; taxing.

undesirably restrictive
"the burdensome responsibilities of professional life"

"bureaucratically burdensome assessment procedures"


onerous oppressive troublesome weighty worrisome vexatious irksome trying crushing inconvenient awkward a nuisance harsh severe stiff stringent formidable an imposition arduous strenuous rigorous uphill difficult hard laborious Herculean exhausting tiring taxing demanding punishing gruelling back-breaking exacting wearing stressful wearisome fatiguing toilsome exigent


easy  light

Translate burdensome to

1. gravoso
2. pesante


praise /preɪz/


1. apprezzare lodare elogiare esaltare glorificare encomiare
express warm approval or admiration of
"we can't praise Chris enough—he did a brilliant job"


commend  express approval of   express admiration for   applaud   pay tribute to  speak highly of   compliment   congratulate celebrate
say nice things about
make much of
pat on the back
take one's hat off to
throw bouquets at


express one's respect and gratitude towards (a deity), especially in song.
"we praise God for past blessings"


worship  glorify  honour  exalt  adore  magnify  laud



the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
"the audience was full of praise for the whole production"

approval  acclaim  admiration  approbation  acclamation  plaudits  congratulations  applause
tribute  accolade  cheer  compliment  panegyric  ovation  kudos  laudation

the expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship.
"give praise to God"

praise be used as an expression of relief, joy, or gratitude. "‘How is your sister?’ ‘On the mend, praise be.’"
sing the praises of
express enthusiastic approval or admiration of. "Uncle Felix never stopped singing her praises"
Middle English (also in the sense ‘set a price on, attach value to’): from Old French preisier ‘to prize, praise’, from late Latin pretiare, from Latin pretium ‘price’. Compare with prize1.


Translate praise to

1. lode
2. elogio
3. encomio


1. lodare
2. elogiare