^^Consigli per fare i video.


Html5 video e audio. | Esempio.

  1. Shotcut. | Keyboard Shortcut
  2. OBS Open Broadcaster Software.
  3. VirtualDub.
  4. ffmpeg.



Links inet

  1. wp/HTML5_video
  2. google/search?q=HTML5+web+player
  3. wp/Lottie_(file_format) | lottiefiles.com
  4. wp/APNG Animated PNG
  5. wp/GIF, Animated GIF, Graphics Interchange Format

Scaricare video, download




video format/codecs for HTML <video>

developer.mozilla.org suggestions


<video controls>
<source src="video.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp9, opus"'/>
<source src="video.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1, aac"'/>

ffmpeg basic configurations to generate such files:

# Webm
ffmpeg -i #INPUT -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus video.webm

# MP4
ffmpeg -i #INPUT -c:v libx264 -c:a aac video.mp4

Nel mio caso

in una console cmd

W:\port_apps\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "W:\www\big\osci_bottiglia_acqua_sabbia_3_osci.avi"  -c:v libx264 -c:a aac  "W:\www\big\osci_bottiglia_acqua_sabbia_3_osci.mp4"

Controlli javascript

<button onclick="document.getElementById('demo').play()">Play the Audio</button>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('demo').pause()">Pause the Audio</button>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('demo').volume+=0.1">Increase Volume</button>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('demo').volume-=0.1">Decrease Volume</button>


  1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_Recording_API/Using_the_MediaStream_Recording_API
  2. super user https://stackoverflow.com/users/1569675/offbeatmammal
    1. https://offbeatmammal.com/2019/01/14/no-fixed-ip-address-no-problem.html

Extract audio from video

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -q:a 0 -map a out.mp3

converte in mp3

port_apps\ffmpeg422\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "2021-01-29 12-47-23.mkv" -q:a 0 -map a lz1.mp3

must be quoted because it contains spaces


ffmpeg -i "2021-01-29 12-47-23.mkv" -vn -acodec copy output.aac

copia semplicemente la traccia audio

-vn    is no video.
-acodec copy     says use the same audio stream that's already in there.

-acodec  alias for  -codec:a

l'estensione outfile deve essere dello stesso format del sorgente


-c[:stream_specifier] codec (input/output,per-stream)
-codec[:stream_specifier] codec (input/output,per-stream)
Select an encoder (when used before an output file) or a decoder (when used before an input file) for one or more streams. codec is the name of a decoder/encoder or a special value copy (output only) to indicate that the stream is not to be re-encoded.

For example

ffmpeg -i INPUT -map 0 -c:v libx264 -c:a copy OUTPUT

encodes all video streams with libx264 and copies all audio streams.


Ritagliare un pezzo

ffmpeg  -ss 60 -i input.aac -to 2:15  -c copy output.aac

-ss  seek, inizia a codificare dopo 60secondi dall'inizio 

-to  la durata dell'output


Uccidere gli infedeli non e' un assassinio, non sono umani sono bestie.

Questo dicevano i preti ai cattolici che andavano alle crociate.

Ugualmente i rabbini integralisti dicono ai soldati israeliani che si avviano alla striscia di Gaza, e i soldati integralisti sparano a vista senza problemi.



Differenza tra container (file-format) e codec

wp/WebM nel riquadro permette di capire le differenze

Video_file_format  = Digital_container_format + Video_coding_format

Good design normally dictates that

a file extension enables the user to derive which program will open the file from the file extension.

Programmi per fare i video

Automatically edit out silence (dead air) from a video


How to AUTOMATICALLY EDIT talking-head videos

Multipli di 16 e 32, more in Calc .ods

Meglio ritagliare i video con queste dimensioni, poiche' alcuni riproduttori e editors fanno solo queste.

*16 *32
16 32
48 64
80 96
112 128
144 160
176 192
208 224
240 256
272 288
304 320
336 352
368 384
400 416
432 448
464 480
496 512
528 544
560 576
592 608
624 640
    *16 *32  
1 2 16 32 1
3 4 48 64 2
5 6 80 96 3
7 8 112 128 4
9 10 144 160 5
11 12 176 192 6
13 14 208 224 7
15 16 240 256 8
17 18 272 288 9
19 20 304 320 10
21 22 336 352 11
23 24 368 384 12
25 26 400 416 13
27 28 432 448 14
29 30 464 480 15
31 32 496 512 16
33 34 528 544 17
35 36 560 576 18
37 38 592 608 19
39 30 624 640 20

Foto film schermi dimensioni, aspect ratio.
