Perpendicular Line: Select point and perpendicular line.
Parallel Line: Select point and parallel line.
Perpendicular Bisector: select two points or one segment.
NEW POINT: Click on the drawing pad or on line, function, or curve.
INTERSECT TWO OBJECTS: Select two objects or click directly on intersection.
MIDPOINT OR CENTRE: Select two points, one segment, circle, or conic.
Polygon: Select all vertices, then click first vertex again.
Regular Polygon: Select two points and enter number of vertices.
Distance or Length: select two points, segment, polygon, or circle.
Area: select polygon, circle, or conic.
Slope: select line.
Slider: click on the graphics view to specify position
Check Box to Show or Hide Objects: click on the graphics view to specify
Insert Text: click on the graphics view or on point to specify position.
Insert Image: click on the graphics view or on point to specify position.
Relation between Two Objects: select two objects.