^^Le icone di GeoGebra.

32px 16 Formula    


  1. Punto libero.
  2. Punto sull'oggetto, cioe' vincolato ad essere sull'oggetto.


Intersect 2 objects: Select 2 objects or click directly on intersection.

Scelgo 1 di piu' intersezioni.

Segment[A,B] Segment between 2 points  
Circle[A, B] Circle with centre through point

Cerchio dato centro e un punto

Centro e punto
Circle[A,R] Circle with centre and radius

Cerchio dato centro e raggio

Centro e raggio
  Line[A, line] Parallel line  
PerpendicularLine[A, line] Perpendicular line  
AngleBisector[a, b] Bisettrici. Applicabile a: rette, raggi, seg  
  Angle[A,V,B] Misura un angolo, non lo crea.

3 punti: i primi 2 sono il riferimento, 1° il piede, 2° il vertice.



Ruota il punto L di β attorno a V.

Ruota il punto L di β attorno all'origine.


CMD composti



e' sviluppato come:

1: B= Point[Circle[A, 5]]

2: Segment[A, B]


Segment with given length from point.

Select point and enter segment length.

    Vector from Point
Select a point A and a vector v to create the new point B = A + v, and the vector from A to B


"Costruisce un angolo" di dato valore.

LegPoint. Rotaz attorno origine.



Ruota oggetto intorno a un punto-vertice della rotazione. Rotaz attorno origine.  


Perpendicular Line: Select point and perpendicular line.
Parallel Line:  Select point and parallel line.
Perpendicular Bisector: select two points or one segment.

NEW POINT: Click on the drawing pad or on line, function, or curve.
INTERSECT TWO OBJECTS: Select two objects or click directly on intersection.
MIDPOINT OR CENTRE: Select two points, one segment, circle, or conic.

Polygon: Select all vertices, then click first vertex again.
Regular Polygon: Select two points and enter number of vertices.

Distance or Length: select two points, segment, polygon, or circle.
Area: select polygon, circle, or conic.
Slope: select line.

Slider: click on the graphics view to specify position
Check Box to Show or Hide Objects: click on the graphics view to specify position.
Insert Text: click on the graphics view or on point to specify position.
Insert Image: click on the graphics view or on point to specify position.
Relation between Two Objects: select two objects.