Codice HTML nascosto, e testo generato dal browser.
\t \x09 horizontal tab
\n \x0a line feed (newline)
\r \x0d carriage return
they can't be used in the normal text because the browser will try to interpret it as HTML. Therefore they are represented by entity name or number
Character | Entity Number | Entity Name | Description |
< | < | < | less-than |
> | > | > | greater-than |
" | " | " | quotation mark |
' | ' | ' | apostrophe |
& | & | & | ampersand |
Syntax: &entity_name; &#entity_number; case sensitiveesadecimal: n equi n n n equi n n.
≡ is ≡
2 words separated by a non-breaking will stick together (not break into a
new line).
This is handy when breaking the words might be disruptive.
§ 10 10 km/h 10 PM dovrebbero essere un'unità non rotta dall'andare a capo
aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere aspira‑polvere
treat sequences of whitespace characters (space, newline, tab, form feed, etc.) as if they were a single character.
Such "collapsing" of whitespace allows the author to neatly arrange the source text using line breaks, indentation and other forms of spacing without affecting the final typeset result.
soup.tag.encode('Windows-1252") lo trasforma in \xa0
w3schools/html_charset ≡ HTML Encoding
To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know which character set to use.
The default character set for HTML5 is UTF-8.
ASCII Windows-1252 ISO-8859-1 UTF-8
0-7F sono tutti uguali, e qui si ferma ASCII
80-9F e' definito solo Windows-1252, sono 32 posti
A0-FF uguali
Numb | ASCII | cp1252 | 8859 | UTF-8 | Description |
32 | space | ||||
33 | ! | ! | ! | ! | exclamation mark |
126 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | tilde |
127 | DEL | ||||
128 | € | euro sign | |||
137 | ‰ | per mille sign | |||
147 | “ | left double quotation mark | |||
148 | ” | right double quotation mark | |||
149 | • | bullet | |||
159 | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | |||
160 | no-break space | ||||
161 | ¡ | ¡ | ¡ | inverted exclamation mark | |
162 | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ | cent sign | |
170 | ª | ª | ª | feminine ordinal indicator | |
176 | ° | ° | ° | degree sign | |
255 | ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | Latin small letter y with diaeresis | |
windows-1252, caratteri NON ASCII del character set.
DOCTYPE document type declaration, an instruction that
The HTML layout engines in modern web browsers perform DOCTYPE "sniffing" or "switching"; the DOCTYPE is retained in HTML5 as a "mostly useless.
la sintassi con cui e' scritto il documento.
defines how MIME types are supposed to be sniffed in web browsers.
ref: Data URL. MIME type. base64 code.