^^Accesso remoto.

in generale occorre conoscere


https://www.jflap.org/ learning the basic concepts of Formal Languages and Automata Theory


Collegarsi a una videocamera di sorveglianza

Videocamera. Videosorveglianza.

Collegarsi al proprio computer a casa

nel senso di trovarsi di fronte all'interfaccia del sistema operativo.


Collegarsi al server di casa

nel senso di collegarsi al proprio sito web

  1. wp/Server_domestico
  2. https://www.aranzulla.it/come-collegarsi-al-pc-di-casa-a-distanza-10422.html
  3. https://www.aranzulla.it/come-creare-una-vpn-1047463.html#chapter11
  4. https://www.aranzulla.it/come-collegare-due-pc-17970.html
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFytIkW9CY Come unire DUE COMPUTER in UNO (a distanza!)


  1. Usare dynamic DNS https://www.stefano11.it/index.php?post=78
  2. https://www.navigaweb.net/2011/12/creare-un-server-sul-computer-per.html ???
  3. https://localtonet.com/blog
  4. https://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?t=2946842
  5. Fastweb tratta diffusamente
  6. wp/Demilitarized_zone





Trovare il Proprio Address IP: http://ifconfig.me/

si puo' interrogare col programma curl

Da una finestra di comando

curl ifconfig.me/all

curl ifconfig.me/forwarded
curl ifconfig.me


pero' non trasferisce tutte le info che si vedono con un browser

DYNDNS will not work

ref: Router. Routing, instradamento.

In the UK none of the 4G networks will provide your 4G connection with a PUBLIC IP Address – this means that DYNDNS will not work.

  1. http://www.rut950.com/using-dyndns-with-the-rut950/
  2. http://www.rut950.com/sim-cards-for-rut950-4g-router/
  3. https://www.marotec.it/it/router-wireless-3g/379-modem-router-4g-lte-rut950-teltonika-con-ant-est-4g-e-wifi-4779027311289.html

Server hosting 

  1. https://host.it/cloud/vps virtual server, virtual personal server
  2. https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/pricing/?pg=ln&sec=hs virtual servers sono piu' costosi
  3. https://www.ionos.it/server/vps
  4. https://www.cloud.it/vps.aspx  idem
  5. https://www.keliweb.it/server/server-dedicati.php