^^Principia mathematica. Prodromi.


The Background of Newton's Principia.
The beginnings and the writing of the Principia.


  1. The Background of Newton's Principia. - J. Herivel 1965  google/search
  2. Newton's Principia for the common reader. - Chandrasekhar  1995


1667-1679,  per 12 anni non c'e' traccia di sviluppo del pensiero di Newton sulla dinamica, finche' il suo interesse fu risvegliato dalla corrispondenza con Hooke.


1684 Agosto,  Edmund Halley, interessato alla dimostrazione delle leggi di Keplero sul moto planetario, va a Cambridge per discuterne con Isaac Newton, much as John Flamsteed had done 4 years earlier, only to find that Newton had solved the problem, at the instigation of Flamsteed with regard to the orbit of comet Kirch, without publishing the solution. Halley asked to see the calculations and was told by Newton that he could not find them, but promised to redo them and send them on later.

ref: wp/Isaac_Newton#Gravity


1684 Novembre,  Newton invia a Halley un trattatello "De motu corporum in gyrum". Halley recognised the importance of the work and returned to Cambridge to arrange its publication. Newton went on ...


1687 Luglio 5,  Halley pubblica, a proprie spese, Philosophić Naturalis Principia Mathematica di Isaac Newton.

De motu corporum in gyrum.


  1. abbreviated "De Motu"
  2. The motion of revolving bodies.  (cosi' traduce Chandrasekhar in "Newton's Principia for the Common Reader")
  3. On the motion of bodies in an orbit.
  4. Sul moto dei corpi che girano.



Halley Edmund 1656–1742.