^^Tasmota. Trasmit asm over the air.

Tasmota site docs https://tasmota.github.io/docs/

(segue estrema sintesi dei doc nel menu alla voce "home" )



If you don't have the willingness to tinker and learn... TURN BACK!.

Tasmota is not a commercial product and support is limited. You have to be willing to research and solve potential problems yourself.

Sonoff  (switch on/off ?)



Storia: Inizio di Tasmota

https://itead.cc/product/sonoff-basicr2/  e' il modello per cui Tasmota e' iniziato:

Everything began as Sonoff-MQTT-OTA with a commit on 25th January 2016, by Theo Arends. Its goal was to provide ESP8266 based ITEAD Sonoff devices with MQTT and 'Over the Air' or OTA firmware.
ref: https://tasmota.github.io/docs/About/

What started as a simple way to hack a cloud bound Sonoff Basic (one of the first cheap and accessible smart home devices in the market) into a locally controlled device has grown into a fully fledged ecosystem for virtually any ESP8266 based device.


OTA Over The Air update  wp

Getting started tasmota/getting started

e' la pagina che mi sembra piu' chiara di tutte, forse perche' senza questa proprio non si inizia.

Flash Tasmota, or access Tasmota via serial #embedded-software

using a Chrome based browser, Firefox browser does not support Web Serial.

Appena flashato tasmota su ESP8266, la webUI si presenta col modulo "Basic Sonoff".

Per la mia applicazione ho scelto modulo "Generico 18", che ha tutti i GPIO ancora da destinare.

MQTT (come usato da tasmota) tasmota/MQTT

ref: cos'e' MQTT message system, client-server publish/subscribe.


  1. Each device should have a unique Topic.
    1. %topic% must be made unique by the user #fulltopic

    2. All MQTT status messages will be sent using the configurable %topic% which must be made unique by the user. It can be called bedroom but it could also be called XP-TS_10 as long as the user knows what it is and where to find it.
    3. Default Topic is tasmota_XXXXXX where XXXXXX is unique and derives from the last 6 characters of MAC address
    4. %06X substitution token

      is replaced with last 6 characters of MAC address.

  2. Come inviare i cmd da mqtt /#examples


SLA service level agreement (in italiano: accordo sul livello del servizio), in sigla SLA, sono strumenti contrattuali attraverso i quali si definiscono le metriche di servizio (es. qualità di servizio) che devono essere rispettate da un fornitore di servizi (provider) nei confronti dei propri clienti/utenti. wp

Commands (to tasmota firmware) tasmota/Commands

Tasmota provides a powerful control interface using commands.

Commands can be issued using webUI console, MQTT, web requests, and serial.

Commands are case insensitive.


Backlog    e' un comando che permette di accodare piu' comandi. Es

  1. Backlog    mqtthost ; mqttport ; mqttuser ; mqttpassword ; topic
  2. Backlog    DeviceName ; IPAddress; Emulation ; FriendlyName ; Status 0
  3. Backlog    GPIOs ; GPIO ; LogHost ; LogPort
  4. Backlog    Modules ; Module ; MqttLog ; NtpServer ; OtaUrl ; Sunrise ; Template ; Time
  5. Backlog    FullTopic ; GroupTopic ; Prefix1 ; Prefix2 ; Prefix3 ; TelePeriod ; Topic


status 10 show connected sensor information,
per conoscere il valore dei sensori.
status 0 stato totale: status + status1 status2 ... status7 status10 status11.

status 6  riguarda impostazioni mqtt

TelePeriod See current value,
and force publish: STATE and SENSOR message.
SetOption3 0/1 MQTT put OFF/ON. Provoca reset 1.
TempRes Temperature sensor resolution: 0..3
= maximum number of decimal places.

Templates (dei devices = apparecchi commerciali)


device := es  Tasmota Supported Devices Repository has a complete list of supported devices.

Template is a definition of a device and how its GPIOs are assigned.



Components tasmota/Components

Component is anything wired to the ESP8266/ESP8285 chip to be controlled by or send data to it. Es

# UI Label Comment
1312 DS18x20 DS18B20 or DS18S20
1344 DS18x20_o DS18B20 or DS18S20

Assigning Components

If you wish to expand a device with a peripheral component, after properly wiring everything, you need to assign it to a free GPIO in Configure Module page or use command GPIO<x>.

Modules tasmota/Modules

Module is a firmware supported device which has specific code to enable its features.

Configure Module page in the webUI is used to configure additional components connected to one of the free GPIO pins of the device.

Warning: Use Templates to configure Tasmota for your device if it doesn't exist in the module list.

Tip: Use Generic module Module 18 to have almost all GPIO pins available.

Peripherals tasmota/Peripherals


Peripherals are sensors, displays, controllers, LEDs and other devices wired to available GPIO pins of your device.

Tip: A peripheral must have correctly wired power, GND and data pins to the device prior to booting in order for Tasmota to detect it and initialize it properly.

Tasmota allows for easy selection of peripherals and assignment to GPIO pins.

Configuration is possible in the webUI Configuration - Configure Module page

or by using commands: Module and GPIO, or Template.

WebUI use

Impostazioni - Livelli registri (Log levels)

Port 514 Port Authority Database www.grc.com

Name: syslog

Purpose: Remote system event logging

Description: A syslog server opens port 514 and listens for incoming syslog event notifications (carried by UDP protocol packets) generated by remote syslog clients. Any number of client devices can be programmed to send syslog event messages to whatever servers they choose.

Periodo telemetria (300)

il comando sottostante l'ho scoperto guardando la console




Impostazioni - Altre impostazioni

MQTT  abilita  S/N

Mia storia pratica ESP8266EX


Uso della porta seriale COM

Crome gestisce la COMunicazione seriale, Firefox no,

quindi per interfacciarsi con tasmota via seriale occorre usare Crome.

1a volta OK.  2a volta giorno dopo non si connette piu', cambio porta si connette.
Per scrupolo aggiorno il driver.

update driver seriale

scaricando quello indicato da tasmota: CH341 perche' e' il componente che si trova sulla schedina del ESP8266.

Il driver scaricato e' uno .zip, scompattato e' una cartella in cui c'e' un file .inf  CH341SER.INF.
Il driver e' C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CH341S64.SYS

Windows: click-dx su pulsante Start > DeviceManager,

poi clic-dx su device, poi scegli tab "Driver", poi update ...

oss: nome driver non cambia da una versione alla seguente.



www.sigmdel.ca Syslog Server on Raspbian and Tasmota Remote Logging

Consigli pratici

  1. https://blog.sparkfuneducation.com/what-is-jumper-wire  alligator
  2. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/connector-basics/pin-header-connectors

Acquisto esp8266


Tasmota DS18B20 termometro

Supported-Peripherals:  elenco di tutte le periferiche supportate;

DS18x20 c'e', pagina che lo tratta; anche il caso #multiple-sensors.

Nota: 1-wire has been designed to be a board-bus, not to run through long distances across a whole house. At minimum, use a shielded cable.

SW: https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/blob/master/tasmota/tasmota_xsns_sensor/xsns_05_ds18x20.ino


TempRes Temperature sensor resolution: 0..3 = maximum number of decimal places.


  1. Specifiche programma "Congelatori".
  2. esp32. esp32 1wire.
  3. Home assistant.
  4. NTP Network Time Protocol. Protocolli di comunicazione informatica.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_law

Confronto  Tasmota VS ...

  1. https://indomus.it/focus/meglio-tasmota-o-esphome/
  2. https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/release/
  3. https://alternativeto.net/software/tasmota/
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lua_(programming_language)



  1. https://randomnerdtutorials.com/flashing-nodemcu-firmware-on-the-esp8266-using-windows/
  2. https://randomnerdtutorials.com/control-esp32-esp8266-gpios-from-anywhere/