^^150° della tavola periodica di Mendeleev mi era sfuggito ! 2019

1898 vis generatrix of William Crookes 1832 – 1919

Elements ordered by atomic weigths; similar elements appear underneath each other; missing elements are represented by a white circle. Original model at London Science museum, citato verso la fine dell'articolo.

Crookes added the newly-discovered noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon) to his system, which helped persuade Mendeleev that his table could be adapted to accommodate them.

But more interestingly, Crookes’ periodic system "vis generatrix" illustrated his theory of the evolution of the elements: elements formed in a plasma (a hot state of matter) inside stars. As temperatures cooled, they evolved from the lightest element, hydrogen, at the top of his spiral, to the heaviest, uranium, at the bottom. Crookes' original model physically embodies one of the first evolutionary theories of the elements.

wp/William_Crookes 1832 – 1919. British chemist and physicist, spectroscopist, invented the Crookes tube in 1875 so investigating cathode rays. This was a foundational discovery that eventually changed the whole of chemistry and physics.



1911 Three-Dimensional Periodic System of Frederick_Soddy 1877 – 1956.

Soddy called it "helical representation of the periodic law": lettere nero su bianco sopra il piano del foglio, bianco su nero sotto il piano, le altre nel piano. ref: >>>

wp/Frederick_Soddy  1877 – 1956. English radiochemist.

1903 with Rutherford publish "Law of Radioactive Change": radioactivity involve the spontaneous disintegration of atoms into other (transmutation of elements).

1903 with Sir William Ramsay at University College London: decay of radium produce helium gas.

1921 Nobel Prize in chemistry: research in radioactive decay, formulation of the theory of isotopes.



1960 periodic_table of Otto_Theodor_Benfey



1975 periodic_table of James_Franklin_Hyde 1903 – 1999. American chemist and inventor, “Father of Silicones”, launched the silicone industry in the 1930s, and a method of making fused silica, a high-quality glass later used in aeronautics, advanced telecommunications, and computer chips.




what physicists really like, though, is this monster

the chart of all radionuclides.


1946 table_of_nuclides of Glenn_Theodore_Seaborg  1912 – 1999

in front of a chart showing isotopes of various elements in 1946. Credits: sciencephoto.

Seaborg discovered the transuranic element plutonium (Pu) in 1940, and 10 in total. In 1944, Seaborg formulated the Actinide concept which predicted their properties, and the arrangement of the actinide series in the periodic table of the elements.

For this work, he was awarded a share of the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Glenn Seaborg's work with the actinides resulted in the periodic table as we know il today.


credits: wp/File:Isotopes_and_half-life.svg

wp/Table_of_nuclides | wp/Island of stability



  1. Where Your Elements Came From (NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day)

  2. Wikipedia e' veramente una risorsa inestimabile

  3. https://ptable.com/  notevole tavola con info, con pubblicità limitata
  4. The Internet Database of Periodic Tables comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. (con pubblicita' abbondante)
  5. Accesso con registrazione. La 1a volta che si accede al sito, la lettura e' libera, altrimenti e' richiesta registrazione gratuita. Per riaccedere io ho provato con una "finestra privata" e 1 volta mi e' andata bene, poi ha voluto registrazione.
  6. washington.edu/The Elements.pdf

    Los Alamos National Laboratory's Chemistry Division Presents
    Periodic Table of the Elements, A Resource for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students

  7. sciencemuseum di Londra
  8. www.nuclearmuseum.org/ | youtube



  1. ch.cam.ac.uk/person Dr Peter Wothers is a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge and a Fellow and Director of Studies in Chemistry at St Catharine’s College.
  2. https://www.yourgenome.org/
  3. https://www.sciencefestival.cam.ac.uk/do-try-home
  4. https://isaacphysics.org/
  5. https://www.golabz.eu/  Sharing and Authoring Platform. Go-Lab Offers Free Teaching Tools for Schools Affected by COVID-19


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Il 150° della tavola periodica di Mendeleev mi era sfuggito ! 2019

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it: tavola periodica degli elementi